Why Choose Us
Why choose Primal Warrior Fitness?
When you decide to start a new fitness regime you are presented with hundreds of options from just going

throw the scales away!
Like many people, I have struggled with my weight. I have always felt, even from a young age, that I was heavy and overweight. This, I...

I'm too old
I'm too old This is something I hear quite a bit, "I'm too old to do that", which is one of those standard excuses along with "I don't...

Primal Fitness
Unleash your inner cave person We are designed to do certain things really well, like walk, carry things, running really fast for short...

I love cardio
I love cardio Let me start by saying "I hate cardio", actually I hate steady state cardio. This is the type of exercise that has you...

I've been seeing a lot of articles recently in the media with headlines such as 'I lost 2 stone in 8 weeks and I didn't have to exercise'...

Fitness Myths
5 Myths of fitness 1: The quick fix usually some form of meal replacement, pill or wonder supplement, how to lose X amount of pounds in...