Why Choose Us
Why choose Primal Warrior Fitness?
When you decide to start a new fitness regime you are presented with hundreds of options from just going

It's that time of year again. We all start reflecting on the year that's been and how the time has flown. We think about all the t

Primal Warrior Fitness - Making A Difference
So, why choose Primal Warrior Fitness? Whether you are just starting out on a new fitness regime or have been exercising for a while Primal

The myth of toning
The myth of toning This is a usual fitness tag line " get to toned " or someone will say "I only want to get toned" unfortunately you...

The Perfect Diet
This is the Holy Grail of the fitness world. The thing that everyone is searching for. Every year diet companies spend millions on...

10 Best things to help you get fitter
It's easy to spend a fortune on fitness equipment,Apps, gym membership, clothes, DVDs, books and gadgets, but are they really necessary...

Bully For You!
Bully For You! I don’t know how many of you out there have ever had to deal with bullying but if you have, you'll know just how crushing...

The Cardio Fat Burning Myth
Whenever I talk to people about fitness I often hear the same things, one of the most common is " I don't have time to lift weights, but...

throw the scales away!
Like many people, I have struggled with my weight. I have always felt, even from a young age, that I was heavy and overweight. This, I...

I'm too old
I'm too old This is something I hear quite a bit, "I'm too old to do that", which is one of those standard excuses along with "I don't...